Jeffrey He

I studied Computer Science at Harvard and graduated in 2020. Some of my favorite things include teaching, music, and playing basketball!


PM Intern

  • Researched, designed, and implemented a new workflow to improve the monthly support case review process (500 cases/month) for the Azure Stack team
  • Created Python algorithm that predicts action items for certain cases
May 2019 - August 2019

Explorer Intern

  • Built a new Microsoft Store feature (using Angular, Typescript, C#, and Jasmine) that provides publishers a detailed history of their product submissions broken down by category
  • Feature shipped to all Microsoft Store publishers
May 2018 - August 2018

Teaching Fellow

Harvard University
  • Taught Machine Learning (CS181), Economics and Computation (CS136), Artificial Intelligence (CS182), Functional Programming (CS51), Intro to Computer Science (CS50)
  • Led weekly sections of 20 undergraduates, held office hours, designed and graded problem sets
August 2017 - Present

Undergraduate Researcher

Harvard Data to Actionable Knowledge Lab
  • Ran research study on 600 subjects regarding the interpretability of ML algorithms
  • Published paper at AAAI HCOMP ’19 (“Human Evaluation of Models Built for Interpretability”)
September 2017 - Present


Harvard University

Computer Science, AB Degree
  • Harvard Open Data Project (President)
  • Harvard Computer Society (Director of Education)
  • Teaching Fellow (CS50, CS51, CS182, CS136, CS181)
  • Harvard Data to Actionable Knowledge Lab (Researcher)
  • Student Mental Health Liaisons, Intramurals Rep (Mather House)
August 2016 - May 2020


Harvard Open Data Project

HODP is Harvard's first open data catalog. As a group, our mission is to use public Harvard data to increase transparency and tackle issues on campus. We’ve used data science and data visualization techniques to analyze data on student government election turnout, faculty gender disparity, and trends in concentration popularity.

January 2017 - May 2020

Facebook Message Analyzer

This Python script allows you to analyze your FB messages. Specifically, for a given conversation, it prints out a map of the messages you (and others) have sent over time, the average word count of your mesages, and is set up in a way that lets you add any new features easily. I used this for a bootcamp as the Director of Education of the Harvard Computer Society.

September 2018


Datamatch is a matchmaking service used by ~4000 students each year at Harvard built with Ruby on Rails and React. As the web lead, I led the team in designing the credits and archives page.

September 2016 - May 2018

ProPublica Non-Profit Scraper

The ProPublica scraper is a python script that uses the ProPublica API to retrieve data in CSV format on any list of non-profit US organizations. We used the script to extract data on non-profit student organizations at Harvard.

December 2016


Extraordinary Teaching in Extraordinary Times

Awarded to 281/2500 teaching fellows for the semester of COVID
July 2020

Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Awarded to Teaching Fellows rated 4.5/5.0 or higher by students
January 2020

Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Awarded to Teaching Fellows rated 4.5/5.0 or higher by students
January 2019

John Harvard Scholar

Awarded to students in the top 5% of their classes
May 2018

Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Awarded to Teaching Fellows rated 4.5/5.0 or higher by students
January 2018

Detur Book Prize

Awarded to students attaining very high academic standing
October 2017